I am a music addict, I love concerts, live music in smaller venues, and listening to it to fill silence in the car or at my apt. Music is so much more than sound to me, its the lyrics that speak when I can’t put my thoughts/feelings into sentences and the beats that can change the energy of my day. It’s a huge part of my world and a small thing that brings so much happiness in my life.
Some of my favorite artists are probably artists you have never heard of or would recognize. That’s the beauty of it, discovering new music everyday that’s not played out on the radio. My favorite artist is absolutely hands down, Ben Howard. To name a few others I enjoy are artists like Milky Chance, Bon Iver, Glass Animals, and LANY.
Currently what I’m listening to on repeat this month:
Tase Sultana- Electric Feel
Flume-Smoke & Retribution
SYML- Harvest Moon
LANY- Super Far
Milky Chance- Doing Good
Foals- Mountain At My Gates
Sticky Fingers- Velvet Skies
Hippie Sabotage- I found you
The Kite String Tangle- Given the Chance
Drake- God’s Plan
SBTRKT- Trials of the Past
Flight Facilities- Why Do You Feel & Merimbula
NF- Let you Down
LANCO- Greatest Love Story
Broods- Sober
Jamie XX- Obvs
Lund- Broken
My love for listening to music vinyls though can never be matched. There is something so classic and fun about listening to music on vinyls. Even if it’s music that was recently released (like my newest Mumford & Sons) or the classics like The Rolling Stones, there is nothing that beats the sound of a vinyl and record player. Nowadays, you can get record players for cheap and can complete any aesthetic to complete your room.
I’m all about spending my nights listening to live music. A way that I know when my favorite band or artist is in Charlotte or a neighboring city is though the Bandsintown App (available on Iphone and Android!). Through the app, I can always looks up when my favorite artists is coming and the venues they are performing at. I can also buy tickets from the App directly that have different prices so I can find the best deal. Just about any artist you can think of is on this app so you’ll never have to accidentally miss a show (like everyone has done from time to time)!
So, put a record on, turn that shit up and live it up girl!
Photography | Ruth Eileen | Location | The Verb Hotel
I haven’t listened to any new tunes in a while, so this is great! Will definitely check out your recommendations. Hopefully they’ll wake me up because it’s rainy and wet where I live right now. 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Nice post dear! x
I love vinyls! The music just sounds so much better
I absolutely agree! Music is life! I can’t get anything done without my favorite playlists!
I’ve been listening to Electric Feel on repeat the past few days haha. and definitely agree about vinyl – such an amazing sound!
you have the best taste in music! thanks for sharing!
yesssss girl! I love your taste in music and it’s variety! There’s something about music that just sings to your soul <3
Obsessed with that top! You seriously have the cutest clothes.
Katie | http://www.millennialonthemove.com