1. Move that body girl– I will admit, I hardly know my way around the gym…I’ve never been that girl. A mix of good genes and muscle memory from my gymnastics days are a life savor, but as I get older, I’m noticing that this only lasts for so long. Because where I’m from, you never turn down a chicken biscuit and fries, let’s be serious! I wanted to share a few ways I keep this bod in shape, because here in San Diego, it’s beach season year around and the struggle has never been so real!
Run Forest, Run! This is a new adventure for me, but one I’ve grown to actually love. Whether my mind is running wild with a million things to process or I’m motivated to look my best in my new bikini, running is my to-go exercise. I try to run 2-3 times a week followed by a round of squats, sit-ups, push-ups and stretching.
2. Keep those cabinets clean– This is huge for me, if it’s not in my house, I will not be tempted to eat it. I try extremely hard not to buy anything that I really want like: choc. donuts, cookie dough, Oreo’s, Dr. Pepper…you know all the good shiz. Mostly because I have zero self control, so why not cut out all of the temptation and not buy it at all. Somehow I grew to love healthy alternatives and allow myself splurges when I’m out and about during my week.
3. Rest those eyes girl– Sleep is my jam, sometimes it doesn’t treat me the same, but I still love it nonetheless. Getting a good night’s rest is key to living a healthy lifestyle and one everyone wished they had more of. I try my best to get in the bed by 10pm and get up around 7:30am. When you work from home it’s easy to sleep in as long as you want, but I definitely feel my best when I stick to this schedule.
4. Wine & Water– When it comes to liquids, I stick to the basics: H2O and the most important, wine! Drinking as much water as you can is not only good for your skin, it’s also great for your overall well being. As they say, “wine a day, keeps the doctor away” or is that an apple…? Let’s stick with the wine! If you follow me, you know this to be true. Cabernet Sauvignon is my BAE, and completes my life.
5. Happiness within– This I think is the key to living the best life you can. I’m a glass half full kind of girl, always have and hopefully will always be. I truly believe you create the life you want to live and it’s only you who can change and create that for yourself. I find happiness in music, so a big part of my day is filled with music. Whether I’m working from home and need chill or need that extra kick to get my booty to the gym, music is what I love and therefore surround myself by it as often as I can. I encourage you to find a simple pleasure in life that you can incorporate into your day-to-day routine to keep you motivated.
“Comparison is the thief of joy,” is something I remind myself daily and one I hope you can also remember. It’s easy to look at someone else and want something they have. We all do it, I catch myself more often than I would like to admit. Give yourself a break and remind yourself that you are good enough; doing your best is all you can ask for each day. Celebrate each step along the way and love with all of your heart. These are all of the things I wish for each of you!
This is such a great post and I love your colorful workout clothes! I didn’t knew that you have been a gymnast but I would love to know more about it! I’m a gymnast and I want to hear your story! 🙂
Great post girl!
Great post!
Nikki Ann Blog
Ahh I love this post!! I’ve been trying really hard to live healthier and I agree with all of these points! (Especially wine and water – ha!)
Working out is my biggest goal for the summer! Great tips.
Great tips!! Love this post!!
XO Brittany
Loved this post!! You have inspired me to start running again…. I was so into this past year but then around the time of my graduation I really fell out of it. Need to get back on that haha!! And I’m so with you about being a water drinker!
xoxo A
Love this! I’ve been running for a few years now and hated it when I started. It’s all about the perseverance!
Love this post! All of these are great tips for living a healthy lifestyle.
I always feel so intimidated at the gym! If it weren’t for my friends who enjoy running, I probably would never be active. I’ve found that when it comes to working out, I’m definitely motivated by others. I must at admit that my sleeping schedule is pretty awful, but when I do get a good night’s rest I feel so much better! Thanks for these tips!
Thank you for giving the steps:)
I’m trying so hard to find motivation to go to the gym more often but #thestruggleisreal! I have learned that drinking wine socially has definitely made me feel and look better!
I am currently training for a half marathon and constantly get caught up in comparing myself to my more fit friends. Can be the ultimate motivation but not healthy at all. You go girl keep it up!!
A post that really spoke to me! Thank you! Can we have more of this – weekly – monthly…..pretty please! I am printing out this post! xoxo
I love this post and your outfits! I am working on being more active, especially as I try to shape up for my wedding. I have been going to the gym every other day!
La Belle Sirene
#2 is so important! I’ve been working on getting back to the gym lately now that I’m with my boyfriend. He always keeps me in line!
Kayla | kaylablogs.com
Nailed it! I try to live these rules for the most part in my daily life but like you said, here in good ole NC its hard to turn down that fried chicken and sweet tea! haha. I love your tip about keeping the cabinets clean!
How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com
These are awesome rules to live by! I need to get my rear end back in the gym, my eating isn’t that bad (although I do love a good snack), but I don’t move nearly enough!
xoxo, SS
The Southern Stylista
These are such great tips! I’ve recently gotten back into eating really clean and was looking to start exercising this week, but I caught a really bad cold so I’m starting next week! Thanks for the motivation!
The Blush Blonde
Such great tips. I also really believe that living life half full is so needed. If something isn’t bringing you happiness – change it!
Lovely photos and great advice. I am trying to get fitter as well but get so very tired after work it is tough to keep the effort up. Though I am a big fan of the ‘resting’ part of this post ^^
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