We are currently in yet another snow storm here in Boston.
Just to think this time last week I was here on Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica enjoying the sunshine.
Oh well, happy to have had such a good break away from it all.
I’m sure you have heard of Triangl Swimwear, if you haven’t do your self a favor and check out their site! They are an Australian based company with top notch swimwear and just as comparable customer service.
I may have an slight obsession with swimsuits, sad to say I have an entire bin full of bathing suits and each year I continue to buy more!
Out of all my swimsuits this one is definitely in my top five.
The material is fantastic, its similar to wet suit material. Just enough thickness and structure to flatter your body. Unlike many bathing suits that are heavily padded this swim top is lightly lined giving you just the lift you need with out looking like Pamela Anderson!
What is your favorite Triangl swimsuit??!
Ok, I’m relatively new here so I don’t know if you’ve already done this…but you should do a post of your work out routine. Because whatever you do, I want in! You look wonderful:) Keep it up!
King & Kind
Love Script Ring Giveaway!
I am about to order a Triangl swimsuit, but i’m not exactly sure what size to order. If you don’t mind me asking, what size do you wear in them?
I love their swimwear, I am just curious how they would fit on curvier ladies! Might need to try it out.
xoxo, KP
Eleventh & Sixteenth
Ow ow!!! Looking good girlie and love that bikini!
Xo Ash
Sincerely Miss Ash
Wow, I love that bikini!!
Great color!
Stylista Fitness
woww… hot, sexy and pretty body…
Absolutely love this bathing suit! It’s SO cute!!