Ily Couture Pizza Sweatshirt / Black Leggings / Topshop bracelets / Michael Kors Watch / MAC Girl About Town Lipstick / Photography by Stacy Bauer
Not sure what I love more actual pizza or this cozy Ily couture pizza sweatshirt, silly question but it’s close. Seriously though, these Ily Couture sweatshirts are my all time favorites. I’m also loving this heart one, perfect for Vday in a few weeks.
Sad news for the Panther’s, such a bummer. Nonetheless they had one amazing season!
I was sad over the Panther’s lost too. We always have next year! And love the pizza post 🙂
I need this sweater in my life. It’s so cute!!
So cute! I have really been into statement shirts and sweatshirts like that lately! Only you could look fabulous while eating pizza!